The Moon and I (Nestinarka)

The Moon and I (Nestinarka)

Nestinarka – Нестинарка in Bulgarian - a woman who dances on flaming charcoals

At midnight,
Like a huge abalone shell
Right above the lilac trees
The moon stopped up there
On the top of the blossoming hill. 

Beneath the silent sapphire sky
She was watching me pouring softly
Her milky shimmering light,
Then she covered my naked body
With a cape of velvety stars.

She washed all my feminine sins
And my secretly shared desires
With a morning innocent mist...
She was there my sister in crime
Guiding my Nestinarian trance
Landing softly on my weaken palms.

Yes, we did. We, both at once,
Stopped…the time... chanting your name
On the blossoming hill above,
Crossing steps in an oracle dance -

Only us, the moon and I,i
Dancing on the Oracle fire of love.

Petrouchka Alexieva
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Photo: Alexandr Bormotin on Unsplash

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