Superman with Angel's Wings

Superman with Angel's Wings

It’s a place that needs a superman
a superman with angel’s wings
giant wings
big enough to fold
their soft feathers around it
encircle it
in a feathery hug
keep it safe
lift it up
paint out the grey
and bring it back to what it was
before the crash
took away the colour
took away the joy
took away the hope.
An angel alone couldn’t do it.
It wouldn’t have the strength.
Superman alone couldn’t do it.
He didn’t have the wings
to spread and circle
this place
to comfort it
to hold it safe
to lift it up.
It’s a place that needs
a superman with angel’s wings
to perform the miracle
and then fly away
to the next place.

Author: Lynn White

Photo: Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

First published in Nightingale and Sparrow, Issue 1 ‘Flight’, 2019

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