The Moment of Your Awakening

The Moment of Your Awakening

The darkness slowly melts as I pour
the milk into the coffee. The moment
of your awakening begins. And I'm looking at you
from the kitchen like a voyeur as I sip
from the cup and open the notebook to write down
how your face gradually emerges from the darkness,
and your body is still a black cat lying around
between the two worlds; then the light
slowly glides over you like soft music and envelopes
the weary bed with warmness, and you are something
more than this moment, something more than
poetry; something like a sketch of a white sheet,
gradually filling with fiery life, or
sweet silence slowly dissolving in the room.
Then you open your eyes. And I close the notebook.

Peycho Kanev

Photo: Amy Treasure on Unsplash

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