Walking in the Shadow of Someone's Soul

Walking in the Shadow of Someone's Soul

All this sadness and all that sorrow,
all those secrets holding off tomorrow;
making this journey without being quite whole,
while walking in the shadow of someone’s soul.

Now give me respite and give me peace,
let unanswered questions find surcease;
we were blind, sightless, without vision,
just two lost souls in near-collision.

But wisdom is now so very bittersweet,
cooling down the passion after the heat;
lies soon turn love into a block of ice,
what once allured can no longer entice.  

Let it down gently and let it just go,
see which way truth will then flow;
give in to it softly and give it all back,
then seize the moment, plan your attack. 

Take no prisoners, make no new demands,
tie down your heart but never your hands;
fortify your soul, make it ever so strong,
and never again let so much be so wrong.

Love is only for the lucky and for the few,
many has it wrestled to the ground and slew;
hear my words: never again will I play the fool,
the only dance I will dance will be to duel. 

My heart will be a castle built on so much rock,
love will still have a key but without a lock;
and I will know when the bell begins to toll,
I am walking in the shadow of someone’s soul. 

 John RC Potter

Photo: Jen Ramona on Unsplash

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