iPhone in the Vortex
Holy places in the deserts of indigenous peoples
misunderstood by the city slicker in search of adventure
isolated oasis in the midst of century-old mysteries.
I see the seven sacred pools upon a saunter
under a sun-scorching stone and brush
at the bend of a gentle stream at the bottom
of red cliffs reaching to the azure skies.
I am told of magnetic forces to be found
life-changing moments like magic tricks
near those neatly stacked pebbles.
Children play, their feet in the icy stream
parents clamor for caution while a woman in native dress
rings a bell above a patient’s chest.
I am told it is good to be quiet, show respect to
the gods, the spirits, the unknown powers at play
as a guest in a sphere unstained by the stranger.
Yet I spy a strange individual and her feminine voice
speaking of children, investments, and obscure projects
for unending moments it seems, on her portable phone.
Perhaps in this vortex she seeks success
instant fortune through the local mysteries
held secret for a thousand years.
No so; she simply cannot break away from the insanity
for her blood may not flow without the hype of her home
so remote from this haven, she appears lost on her promontory.
Author: Fabrice Poussin
Photo: Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash